
Benefits Of The Digital Tag System



New technology has led point-of-sale managers and network managers to search for new ways to increase sales, improve customer experience and improve employee management. The introduction of new electronic shelf labeling solutions on the market presents new opportunities for establishing an effective growth and customer satisfaction strategy.

Advantages of using Electronic Shelf Tags

Here are a few benefitsof utilizing Electronic Shelf Labels:

Real-Time Display

In-store displays that are real-time is beneficial not only to consumers by offering accurate and secure information as well as manager of the point of sale. Store managers face a significant issue in the management of price displays. Remote control of the product's type as well as shelf type and the unique display of the product can be accomplished in real-time. This allows for complete price control and provides greater satisfaction of customers with respect to displayed price accuracy.

Information Control and Standardization

The Digital Tags service is utilized to control information that is displayed to consumers in real-time and from any location. Cloud control transmits information to several branches and stores simultaneously and informs employees of any significant changes or new display (price changes). It is also able to modify prices and displays based on branch locations and the local area or point-of-sale-specific prices.




Display of Advertisements and Promotions

In-store display management is a time-consuming and important job. Live-time displays of promotions, percentage of discount or savings potential for the customer allows margin control and promotion performance throughout the day. Point-of-sale managers can adjust prices in response to the performance of their stores and direct customers to products relevant to their needs that are still in stock.


Management of time, particularly time for employees, is among of the issues that arise from modernizing the point-of-sale. With the advent of new sales models such as consignment, re-commerce or rental, the time needed to handle and label could become a major problem for stores. Time-consuming management processes can have a negative effect on efficiency and profitability. Employees spend less time doing tasks that are not worth their time and are not helping to improve customer satisfaction.


Electronic labeling can be used to keep track of the information on a product regardless of whether it's for re-commerce, rental, and rental. The labeling system gives customers access to the entire information they require on the display. Customers who have all the information they need to make a purchase are more pleased with the traceability display. This can also lead to a greater availability of in-store employees for other related issues or tasks.

Customer satisfaction and customer experience

Consumer retention and engagement are important indicators of satisfaction of customers. Making the experience more pleasant for customers in the store is among the most important factors that determine the success of POS managers, and the electronic display could play a significant role in this regard. Customers can easily see the price and where the product originated, as well as the colours. They are also able to determine products that are promotional (thanks to the colour).

Inventory Management

The management of inventory is an essential job in the proper management of points of sale, be it physical or virtual. However, this doesn't mean that the process cannot be optimized. Every label can be placed at the point of sale, making it easier for employees and customers to store items.

Management of Perishability

The expiration dates are often difficult to spot on products. The consumer can identify the sell-by date directly at the point of purchase using electronic displays. The product manager can also utilize electronic displays to offer discounts to items prior to the expiration date and automatically adjust the price accordingly. It allows for example managers to decide to automatically display 50% discounts for items that are 48 hours away from the expiration date.

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